Gamecock Bock Too(#17)


9 lb. Munich Malt Extract
1 lb. 20L Crystal Malt
3 lb. Munich Malt
1 oz. Tettnanger Hops
2 oz. Saaz Hops
3 oz. Hallertauer Hops
1 oz. Northern Brewer's Hops
1 pkg. Wyeast #2124 Bohemian Lager Yeast


Popped the Wyeast smack pack and let it expand. Made a starter by adding 6 tbsp. amber dry malt extract to 600 ml. tap water. Boiled for five minutes in an Erlenmeyer flask, cooled and added the live yeasties. Put a fermentation lock on the flask and put it in a dark place for a day to start really pumping(2/24/96). Boiled 6.5 gallons of unsoftened tap water to remove chlorine and let it cool. Mashed grains in 2 gallons of water @156F for 40 minutes. Extracted the wort and sparged the grains with 1 gallon of water at 156F. Brought wort to a boil. Added malt extract and 1.75 oz. Tettnanger hops and .25 oz. Saaz hops(boiling hops). After 40 minutes in the boil, added .25 oz Tettnanger and .25 oz Saaz hops(aroma hops). At the 58 minute mark in the boil, added .33 oz. Tettnanger and .33 oz. Saaz hops(flavoring hops). Cooled with ice bath and strained into waiting chilled water to bring the temperature down. Pitched yeast at 64F.


OG 1.062 @ 64F on Feb. 26, 1996 into glass primary fermenter.
IG 1.020 @ 64F on Mar. 1 1996 racked to glass secondary
FG 1.017 @ 70F on Mar. 15, 1996 Bottled in brown glass


Turned out very nice and smooth with a little age. As of Halloween, I still have about six of these puppies, even having given some samples out to friends. A couple of these makes for a pleasant buzz...

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Last updated on Oct. 31, 1996