Gulden Kraai

This recipe attempts to clone the Belgian tripel Gulden Draak. I am using the recipe provided by Austin Homebrew Supply. My first note is that it seems a good bit lighter than Gulden Draak so if I brew this again, I will change some of the particulars.



2 1/2 lbs. Belgian Pale Ale Malt
14 oz. 60°L Crystal Malt
1/4 lb. Aromatic Malt
3 oz. Cara Munich Malt
2 oz. Biscuit Malt

Extract and Sugars

1/2 lb. Clear Candi Sugar
9 1/4 lb. Extra Pale Malt Extract
2 lb. Extra Light Dried Malt Extract
1 lb. Wheat Dried Malt Extract

Hops and Yeast

1 oz. Brewers Gold Hops
1/4 oz. Styrian Golding Hops
2 Wyeast Strong Belgian Ale pitchable yeast packs



Started on February 17, 2012 by popping the first Wyeast smack pack and let it expand for two days. Continued by making a starter of 6 Tablespoons of Amber DME in 600ml of filtered Round Rock water. (Filtered through a Berkey Light gravity feed filtration system). Boiled for five minutes in an Erlenmeyer flask, cooled and pitched the yeast on February 19, 2012 to create the starter. Put a fermentation lock on the flask and put it in a dark place for a two days to start really pumping. Boiled four gallons of filtered Round Rock water to remove chlorine and let it cool.


February 21, 2012: Put all of the grains in a nylon grain bag and mashed grains in two gallons of water @155°F for 45 minutes. Extracted the wort and sparged the grains with three quarts of water at 170°F. DIscarded the spent grains. Brought wort to a boil and then removed from heat source. Added malt extract and brought back to a boil. At beginning of boil, added 1 oz. Brewers Gold hops for aroma and bittering. After 45 minutes, added about 1/4 oz. Styrian Golding hops for flavoring. Cooled with wort chiller and transferred to plastic bucket adding chilled water to bring the temperature down. Racked into 6 Gallon glass primary fermenter. Pitched yeast at 66°F.

February 26, 2012: Popped second Wyeast smack pack and let it swell for 24 hours.

February 27, 2012: Created second yeast starter in same manner as first.

February 29, 2012: Racked beer from primary fermenter into secondary fermenter. Because it was a larger quantity than the secondary could hold, the actual racked beer included almost no sediment and some potential beer was wasted...oh well. Took temperature and IG readings.

March 14, 2012: Boiled a pint of water and added 1.25 cups of amber dried malt extract for priming sugar.


Bottled with my good friend Larry Thorne. Even though I added a second round of yeast, the specific gravity has not changed. It was still fermenting, but I think the alcohol generation was just about as far as that yeast can take it. For the next iteration of this brew, I will use a wine yeast for the second pitch. While bottling, we had about a six ounce pour left over and gave it a taste. It does taste quite a bit like Gulden Draak but the color is definitely lighter. For future reference, I will use amber malt extract in the place of extra pale malt extract. Looks like this one will be a winner.


OG 1.105 @ 66°F on Feb. 21, 2012 into glass primary fermenter.
IG 1.030 @ 64°F on February 29, 2012 racked to glass secondary
FG 1.030 @ 64°F on March 14, 2012 Bottled in brown glass


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Last updated on November 11, 2012